Frequently Asked Questions & Our Answers

Where can you buy PET & Co?

Our PET & Co. product range is sold exclusively through our premium trading partners see store locator or our web shop.

How do I find the right size for my four-legged friend?

For this purpose, we have created an overview for you as a guide with the assignment of the common dog breeds to the respective sizes of our different products.

How are the PET & Co. products maintained?

Product-specific care instructions can be found on the product page under "Material and care".

Is delivery free?

Yes, we deliver the goods free of charge.

How can I pay my order?

There are a number of payment options available to you.

On account, free of charge

With the "Invoice" payment method, we carry out an external credit check. If the result is positive, payment "on account" is available. The payment period is 20 days. We ask that you strictly adhere to this payment deadline so that we do not have to charge unnecessary costs for reminders.

Credit card, free of charge

We accept MasterCard and VISA cards as payment methods.



PostFinance, free of charge

The order can be paid for with PostFinance e-finance and Postcard. This payment option is also free.


The order is paid for directly via the mobile app with the TWINT account.



Where can I go with a complaint?

Please send an e-mail stating your order or invoice number with a description of the complaint and article number. of the product to the service team at We will then contact you immediately.

How can I return my product?

If you do not like our products or there is a reason for complaint, we offer you an uncomplicated return option via our return portal. Please contact the PET & Co. Service Team at We would like to point out that you will bear the costs for a return shipment.

How do we protect your data?

At PET & Co., we take the privacy and security of your personal information very seriously. Our goal is to be as open and transparent as possible. You should therefore be aware of how we collect your personal data, how it is used and with whom it may be shared. You can find more information on this in our data protection declaration, which complies with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. If you have any further questions, send us an email to

Didn't we answer your question?

Contact us via email or use our chat function.